External Management
Economic difficulties or even insolvency – we pitch in until your clinic is back in calmer waters.
Together with your team. For sustainable performance improvement.
Current Challenges
German hospitals have been struggling for many years. The Corona pandemic has further exacerbated the downward trend. Declining patient numbers, shortage of skilled workers, and the investment backlog are – among many other aspects – causing costs to explode while revenues stagnate or even decline. As a result, more and more hospitals are fighting for survival. Particularly hard hit: smaller facilities and those under municipal or non-profit ownership. Both the owners and hospital management are very aware of these challenges. They have done their homework in recent years and introduced comprehensive controlling, which was still scarce in many hospitals not too long ago. They know their numbers, are aware of which areas require action, and often already have a strategy in the drawer or at least in mind.
To turn such a medical concept into sustainable performance improvement, implementation strength and the ability to win over employees for the restructuring path are needed.
Entrenched structures and familiar processes must be questioned and – whenever sensible and necessary – changed. Often, uncomfortable decisions are needed that must be made boldly, communicated, and quickly implemented.
Many things are easier when you can exchange ideas with others. Sharing experiences, learning from each other, and being inspired by best practices – these are advantages of large hospital groups that all hospitals must forgo if they have to assert themselves as lone fighters in the market. Strong networks in a region would be helpful but are still too often prevented by competition between neighboring clinics.
Our Solutions
The Hospital Management Group (HMG) is a sister company of WMC. As a management company and implementation experts in healthcare, we specialize in the sustainable restructuring of clinics. From practice, for practice. Our strength lies primarily in the operational implementation of concepts and action plans. We stand by your side until a medical concept becomes lived reality and sustainable performance improvement is achieved.
External management and the implementation of concepts are our core competencies. In addition, we have experts for OR management, nursing management, budget negotiations and hospital financing, revenue optimization, as well as finance and accounting in our team.
Our clients are municipal, non-profit, or private hospitals often in at least tense economic situations, in some cases even in insolvency. As a rule, we take over the management in these hospitals by means of a so-called management contract. Our mission is to create a network for clinics of different ownerships while maintaining full corporate control for the respective owner. This way, you can remain independent and still benefit from network advantages.
Your contact person
Christian Eckert
Phone: +49 (0) 89 26 20 84 0 | Email: kontakt@wmc-healthcare.de
hmg hospital management group
The Hospital Management Group GmbH offers business management or interim management for acute care, rehabilitation, and private clinics and other healthcare facilities and specializes in complex restructuring and reorganization projects. All employees at HMG have proven expertise in healthcare and know practical management work from their own experience.
Our Services for Providers (Hospitals)
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