Strategy development, risk analysis, benchmarking of value drivers against peers, comprehensive best practice know-how, extensive market/industry knowledge
Stagnation of case numbers, the struggle for skilled workers, or the introduction of minimum staffing levels: In addition to regulatory conditions and structural challenges, the COVID-19 pandemic has also placed a heavy burden on the hospital sector. The result is financial difficulties, insolvencies, and growing market consolidation. For entrepreneurs, the question arises whether – from a strategic point of view – now is the time to acquire competitors and niche players or to sell their own company.
Due to steadily growing case numbers, there is great interest in the area of outpatient rehabilitation. However, newcomers in the field of outpatient care often have problems finding a suitable carrier vehicle. The COVID-19 pandemic has also boosted digitalization in the healthcare sector. The opportunities and challenges of this will be reflected in future acquisitions, sales, and transformations.
Wir zählen zu den führenden M&A Berater:innen im ambulanten und stationären Gesundheitsmarkt und sind stolz auf unsere enorme Brachen- und Transaktionserfahrung. Was uns auszeichnet, ist ein großes Netzwerk zur Käufer- und Verkäufer-Seite sowie zu Investoren. Mit der Unterstützung des Managements erstellen wir relevante Unterlagen wie beispielsweise Businessplan, Equity Story und Prozess- und Marketingdokumente. Wir übernehmen Target- und Käuferlisten (inkl. dazugehöriger Kontaktaufnahme), die Due Diligence Koordination, Kaufpreisverhandlungen und schließen Transaktionen erfolgreich ab.
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WMCF offers its clients corporate finance services in the areas of company acquisitions and sales, buy-and-build strategy development, and carve-out scenarios.
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