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ZKNFT 2024 Berlin
Events, News, ZKNFTThe solution platform for the future of healthcare.
ZKNFT 2023 Berlin
EventsThe future is 'hybrid': what needs to be done now for the successful realignment of healthcare!
Curis Alliance: WMC Healthcare co-founder of international network
NewsThrough the Curis Alliance, our clients benefit from tailored consulting by experts from the international healthcare market...
Central Emergency Department 4.0: Digital efficient
News, ServicesDigital communication, short distances, satisfied patients. The new video from WMC EMERGENCY shows how it's done
Strengthening intersectoral care
NewsPatient portals connect inpatient and outpatient partners. Not only in Denmark and Sweden is it already a reality: intersectoral healthcare...
Revenue optimization despite COVID-19
NewsFor 17 years, they have been the scapegoat when hospitals report financial losses: the diagnosis-related case flat rates (DRG).
Optimization of elective services enables significant additional revenue
NewsWhy now is the right time to optimize offerings for premium patients
First COVID, then bankrupt!
NewsThey are still fighting for the survival of COVID patients. By summer at the latest, they'll be fighting for their own existence.
Adjusting screws for successful restructuring
NewsGerman hospitals are in poor condition. And this is not just since the pandemic:
Optimizing material costs can prevent staff reductions
NewsThe Covid-19 incidence rates are declining. Our intensive care units are experiencing the first relief in months.
Underdocumentation instead of underfunding
NewsWhen a hospital is deeply in the red, there's a frantic search not only for solutions but also for explanations.