Strategy Realignment
From Preserver to Shaper
Together with you, we build hospital models that are meaningful and sustainable
Current Challenges
A large proportion of hospitals in German-speaking countries have long been suffering from a chronically tense situation. Clinics face gigantic challenges. They must act more economically and work more cost-effectively – while the legal framework becomes increasingly unforgiving. Added to this is the daily struggle against the rising number of market participants in the healthcare sector. And these are becoming ever more creative, forming Medical Care Centers, for example, to stay up-to-date and remain viable.
The list of challenges that clinics face today is far from complete.
Healthcare providers are desperately seeking new, qualified personnel. High investments must be made in the context of digitalization and modernization of infrastructure. Only those who adjust their strategic direction according to the challenges and think outside the comfort zone can survive. We support providers in the search for new, adequate strategies and are the first point of contact when it comes to implementing the realignment of clinics.
Our Solutions
Medical service providers of all levels of care and ownership structures benefit from our support in the area of Strategy Realignment. With our help, the chances of being sustainably well-positioned economically and continuing to make a valuable contribution to healthcare in the respective region increase.
Together with our clients, we seek answers to questions such as:
Our experts analyze the market shares of clinics, conduct workshops with managing directors, key opinion leaders, and the district medical association, and develop options for a functioning and sustainable future. We do this with the necessary sensitivity. We support cooperations with other clinics, the outsourcing and acquisition of service and administrative functions, process optimizations, and realignments. Networking is considered a healthy prescription for a secure future. We develop network advantages without neglecting the independence of our clients. Our consultants also support effective and efficient implementation of digitalization – so that clinics remain the preferred contact for patients and local doctors in the region and become an attractive employer.
Your contact person
Prof. Dr. Christian Wallwiener
Phone: +49 (0) 89 26 20 84 0 | Email:
Our Services for Providers (Hospitals)
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