Krankenhausfinanzierung & Budgetrecht
Confrontational Negotiations in Increasing Complexity
Now turn the right screws in budget negotiations with social benefit providers and achieve long-term success thanks to our holistic consulting approach.
Current Challenges
The legal changes in hospital financing have an even shorter shelf life than in previous years. Successful handling can only be achieved by experts.
A main focus for securing revenue in hospitals is directed annually towards successful budget and fee negotiations with social benefit providers. The result of the negotiation is only as good as its preparation allows. While social benefit providers have specialized teams trained for this very activity and pursue this task daily, hospitals lack expert knowledge and negotiation routine.
Hospitals are subject to a multitude of statutory financing regulations.
Regulations that are updated annually, often even within the year. Making the right decision at the right time and, above all, utilizing it for one’s own clinic poses great challenges for many decision-makers. This is particularly true because in so-called budget negotiations, due to room for interpretation in the complex and sometimes contradictory laws and regulations, confrontations with social benefit providers occur. The different perspectives on both sides must lead to a viable overall annual result. Year after year.
Our Solutions
WMC HEALTHCARE unterstützt mit seiner langjährigen Expertise die Krankenhausseite, damit diese auf Augenhöhe verhandeln und das Beste aus den sog. Budgetverhandlungen herausholen kann. Wir verhandeln für unsere Klienten retrospektiv und prospektiv. Dabei begleiten wir fachlich – als Ratgeber – oder übernehmen die vollständige Führung von Budgetverhandlungen (nach KHEntgG und BPflV). All unsere Teammitglieder weisen eine hohe und langjährige Kompetenz aus unzähligen Klinikverhandlungen in unterschiedlichsten Bundesländern vor.
Zusätzlich umfasst unser Angebot kundenspezifische Workshops und Beratungen u.a. zu den Themen Krankenhausfinanzierung nach KHEntgG & BPflV, PPP-RL und Psych-PV, Planbettenanträgen sowie Privatpatienten-Kliniken nach §30 GewO.
Our Services for Providers (Hospitals)
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