Central Emergency Department 4.0: Digital efficient
Digital communication, short distances, satisfied patients:
The new video from WMC EMERGENCY shows how it’s done
Overcrowded emergency departments, ad-hoc operations, constant workflow interruptions, and overburdened hospital staff – this is the status quo in hospitals. The problem: Lack of overarching structures in both spatial and operational concepts.
Moreover, the potential offered by digitalization today often remains untapped.
The result: Long waiting times, stagnating discharge processes in the wards, exhaustion of treatment capacities, time-consuming bed allocation, dissatisfied staff and patients, as well as declining revenues.
But there’s another way: The team at WMC EMERGENCY, under the leadership of Dr. Tim Flasbeck, emergency physician and chief physician of the Central Emergency Department at Carl-Thiem-Klinikum in Cottbus, has developed a concept for an efficiently designed emergency department and visualized it as a practical example in a video.
And this is what the Central Emergency Department 4.0 looks like: Patients are digitally registered upon arrival. They are then systematically assigned to treatment and care areas – long waiting times: non-existent! Staff communicate digitally, simplifying coordination and avoiding unnecessary movement. All processes are additionally monitored by a coordinator who intervenes when necessary.
Through the newly established structures, existing resources are fully utilized, ensuring efficient work practices for hospital staff, benefiting everyone: The employees, who now have time to care for more patients. The patients, whose waiting times are reduced. And of course, the hospital itself, which not only increases its revenues through optimization but also improves the satisfaction of employees and patients.
Learn more about WMC EMERGENCY here